It may be the hardest simple thing we can do, or have happen to us.
We ask "why me?" then "why not me?" then we stop asking.
Are we forgetting what we used to remember
with members of our communities.
What can we do now?

You were saying...?
Personal stories and journeys of formembering

Let’s formember Together
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Information you share here will only be used for communications within this community.

About your host
John W Samples
may, or may not,
be losing his mind.
While there is no diagnosis indicating that John suffers from Alzheimer's or any other form of dementia, he has experienced significant memory issues since at least 2022. The results of MRIs, CT scans, and sleep studies have all been normal, except for a moderately high level of apnea which has been treated since 2023 without improving the memory problems. In response to moments of fear and depression, John has resolved to live his journey openly, and maybe even with humor where humor isn't supposed to exist, for as long as possible.
"I am fascinated by the possibility of describing what may become my journey on a step-by-step basis," he says, "and perhaps helping others do the same, contributing to the community in a way that makes the journey less lonely or frightening. If it turns out I have no problem of my own, I will be grateful nonetheless for the spiritual nudges that have moved me in this direction, for whatever benefit they may bring."